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Spring 3.0 forwarding request to different controller

What is the proper way to forward a request in spring to a different controller?

@RequestMapping({"/someurl"}) public ModelAndView execute(Model model) {     if (someCondition) {         //forward to controller A     } else {         //forward to controller B     } } 

All of the controller have dependencies injected by Spring, so I can't just create them and call them myself, but I want the request attributes to be passed on to the other controllers.

like image 888
Anthony Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 18:09


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We can use a name such as a redirect: http://localhost:8080/spring-redirect-and-forward/redirectedUrl if we need to redirect to an absolute URL.

How do I forward a controller request?

A request can be basically processed in three ways: a) resolved by Spring in a controller action, b) forwarded to a different controller action, c) redirected to client to fetch another URL. Forward: performed internally by Spring. the browser is completely unaware of forward, so its original URL remains intact.

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1 Answers

Try returning a String instead, and the String being the forward url.

@RequestMapping({"/someurl"}) public String execute(Model model) {     if (someCondition) {         return "forward:/someUrlA";     } else {         return "forward:/someUrlB";     } } 
like image 168
John Vint Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

John Vint