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Spring 3 @Component and static factory method

If I'm writing a static factory method to create objects, how do I use the '@Component' annotation for that factory class and indicate (with some annotation) the static factory method which should be called to create beans of that class? Following is the pseudo-code of what I mean:

class MyStaticFactory
    public static MyObject getObject()
        // code to create/return the instance
like image 942
shrini1000 Avatar asked Mar 07 '12 09:03


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3. How They Differ. The main difference between these annotations is that @ComponentScan scans for Spring components while @EnableAutoConfiguration is used for auto-configuring beans present in the classpath in Spring Boot applications. Now, let's go through them in more detail.

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We can use @Component across the application to mark the beans as Spring's managed components. Spring will only pick up and register beans with @Component, and doesn't look for @Service and @Repository in general. @Service and @Repository are special cases of @Component.

2 Answers

I am afraid you can't do this currently. However it is pretty simple with Java Configuration:

public class Conf {

    public MyObject myObject() {
        return MyStaticFactory.getObject()


In this case MyStaticFactory does not require any Spring annotations. And of course you can use good ol' XML instead.

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Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

You need to use the spring interface FactoryBean.

Interface to be implemented by objects used within a BeanFactory which are themselves factories. If a bean implements this interface, it is used as a factory for an object to expose, not directly as a bean instance that will be exposed itself.

Implement the interface and declare a bean for it. For example :

class MyStaticFactoryFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<MyStaticFactory>
    public MyStaticFactory getObject()
    public Class<?> getObjectType() {
        return MyStaticFactory.class;
    public boolean isSingleton() {
        return true;

Through @Component and component scanning, this class will be discovered. Spring will detect that it is a FactoryBean and expose the object you return from getObject as a bean (singleton if you specify it).

Alternatively, you can provide a @Bean or <bean> declaration for this FactoryBean class.

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ameen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
