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How to access model attribute in Javascript

I want to access a model attribute in Javascript. I use the following code:

model.addAttribute("data", responseDTO);

My DTO class:

public class ResponseDTO {

    private List<ObjectError> errors;

    private Boolean actionPassed;

    private String dataRequestName;

    // and setter getter for all fields

I tried accessing the DTO using:

var data = "${data}";

But it is giving me a string representation of responseDTO instead, i.e com.req.dto.ResponseDTO@115f4ea. I can successfully access a field inside the DTO using:

 var data = "${data.actionPassed}";  

But this is not working for the errors attribute inside the DTO, as it is a List of ObjectError. How can I get complete responseDTO object in Javascript?



Initially I was using jquery.post

$.post('ajax/test.html', function(data) {
  // Here I was able to retrieve every attribute even list of ObjectError.

Now I want to remove Ajax and want to convert it into non-ajax approach (because of some unavoidable reasons). So I am doing a normal form submit and want load same form again and trying to load data model attribute in Javascript so that I can keep the rest of the code as it is.
I was wondering if it can be achieved in Javascript as it is doable using Jquery post?

EDIT 2 :

I tried (Thank you @Grant for suggestions)

JSONObject jsonObject =JSONObject.fromObject(responseDTO);
String jsonString = jsonObject.toString();

and in Javascript

var data = eval('('+ ${dataJson} +')');   // Getting error on this line  

But getting error and no alert is displayed
Error :
enter image description here

like image 570
Ajinkya Avatar asked Feb 20 '12 13:02


2 Answers

First of all, there's no way to convert a Java object to a Javascript object directly since they have nothing to do with each other. One is server-side language and the other is client-side language.

So to accomplish this goal, you have to do some convertion. I think you have two options:

  1. Convert ResponseDTO object to JSON string and pass it to jsp and you may get the javascript object directly.
  2. Pass ResponseDTO object to JSP and populate the javascript object as what you are trying now.

For option #1, you should use a library to generate JSON string by the Java object. You can use this one JSON-lib. e.g:

JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( responseDTO );  
  jsonStr is something like below, "errors" represents the List<ObjectError>
  I don't know what's in ObjectError, errorName is just an example property.
    "errors":[{"errorName":"error"},{"errorName":"unknown error"}]
String jsonStr = jsonObject.toString();
model.addAttribute("dataJson", jsonStr);  

/*In JSP, get the corresponding javascript object
 by eval the json string directly.*/
var data = eval('('+'${dataJson}'+')'); 

For option #2,

//Pass java object as you do now

//In JSP, include jstl taglib to help accessing List.
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>

var errorArr = [], errorObj;
<c:forEach var="error" items="${data.errors}">
    errorObj = { errorName: '${error.errorName}' };

//Populate the corresponding javascript object.
var data = {
  dataRequestName: '${data.dataRequestName}',
  actionPassed: ${data.actionPassed},
  errors: errorArr

As you can see, option #2 is complicated and only useful if the Java object is simple while option #1 is much easier and maintainable.

like image 84
Grant Zhu Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Grant Zhu

So I just implemented a similar solution to Grant's first option with a List of objects, but used the Gson library to convert the object to a JSON string, then used JSON.parse() to turn it into a javascript object:

On the server:

List<CustomObject> foo = database.getCustomObjects();
model.addAttribute("foo", new Gson().toJson(foo));

In the page javascript:

var customObjectList = JSON.parse('${foo}');

Notice that when I reference the model object foo, that I do so as a string '${foo}'. I believe you are getting your error because you reference it outside of a string. So the correct code would be:

var data = eval('('+ '${dataJson}' +')');
like image 23
Nathan Hanna Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Nathan Hanna