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Spock- ignore spec method for a subclass

I have a test spec in Spock and I want to apply the same tests to another alternative with exception of one method. I extend the original spec, implement some custom stuff related to the alternative and would really like to exclude the execution of one test method.

I tried it with

@Ignore def "Something must work in a certain way"() {     //No implementation } 

but it seems that the method is called anyway.

Can this be achieved?

like image 501
ps-aux Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 10:06


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1 Answers

Verify the import statement for @Ignore. It should be imported from spock library instead of JUnit:

import spock.lang.Ignore 

instead of

import org.junit.Ignore 
like image 182
dmahapatro Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
