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Split text into equal length strings keeping words intact

I have this code that break longer lines into array of equal length strings keeping words it also take into account the formatting like [[u;#fff;]some text], it split text so each string can be converted into html independently:

var format_re = /\[\[([!gbiuso]*;[^;\]]*;[^;\]]*(?:;|[^\]()]*);?[^\]]*)\]([^\]]*\\\][^\]]*|[^\]]*|[^\[]*\[[^\]]*)\]?/gi;
var format_begin_re = /(\[\[[!gbiuso]*;[^;]*;[^\]]*\])/i;
var format_last_re = /\[\[[!gbiuso]*;[^;]*;[^\]]*\]?$/i;
$.terminal.split_equal = function(str, length, words) {
  var formatting = false;
  var in_text = false;
  var prev_format = '';
  var result = [];
  // add format text as 5th paramter to formatting it's used for
  // data attribute in format function
  var array = str.replace(format_re, function(_, format, text) {
    var semicolons = format.match(/;/g).length;
    // missing semicolons
    if (semicolons == 2) {
      semicolons = ';;';
    } else if (semicolons == 3) {
      semicolons = ';';
    } else {
      semicolons = '';
    // return '[[' + format + ']' + text + ']';
    // closing braket will break formatting so we need to escape
    // those using html entity equvalent
    return '[[' + format + semicolons +
      text.replace(/\\\]/g, ']').replace(/\n/g, '\\n') + ']' +
      text + ']';
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; ++i) {
    if (array[i] === '') {
    var line = array[i];
    var first_index = 0;
    var count = 0;
    var space = -1;
    for (var j=0, jlen=line.length; j<jlen; ++j) {
      if (line[j] === '[' && line[j+1] === '[') {
        formatting = true;
      } else if (formatting && line[j] === ']') {
        if (in_text) {
          formatting = false;
          in_text = false;
        } else {
          in_text = true;
      } else if ((formatting && in_text) || !formatting) {
        if (line[j] === '&') { // treat entity as one character
          var m = line.substring(j).match(/^(&[^;]+;)/);
          if (!m) {
            // should never happen if used by terminal,
            // because it always calls $.terminal.encode
            // before this function
            throw new Error("Unclosed html entity in line " +
                            (i+1) + ' at char ' + (j+1));
          j+=m[1].length-2; // because continue adds 1 to j
          // if entity is at the end there is no next loop
          // issue #77
          if (j === jlen-1) {
            result.push(output + m[1]);
        } else if (line[j] === ']' && line[j-1] === '\\') {
          // escape \] counts as one character
        } else {
      function is_space() {
        return line.substring(j-6, j) == '&nbsp;' ||
          line.substring(j-1, j) == ' ';
      if (is_space() && ((formatting && in_text) || !formatting)) {
        space = j;
      if ((count === length || j === jlen-1) &&
          ((formatting && in_text) || !formatting)) {
        var output;
        var after = line.substring(space, j+length+1);
        var text = $('<span>' + after + '</span>').text();
        var can_break = text.match(/\s/);
        if (words && space != -1 && j !== jlen-1 && can_break) {
          // get text to last space
          output = line.substring(first_index, space);
          j = space-1;
          space = -1;
        } else {
          output = line.substring(first_index, j+1);
        if (words) {
          output = output.replace(/^(&nbsp;|\s)+|(&nbsp;|\s)+$/g, '');
        first_index = j+1;
        count = 0;
        if (prev_format) {
          output = prev_format + output;
          if (output.match(']')) {
            prev_format = '';
        // Fix output if formatting not closed
        var matched = output.match(format_re);
        if (matched) {
          var last = matched[matched.length-1];
          if (last[last.length-1] !== ']') {
            prev_format = last.match(format_begin_re)[1];
            output += ']';
          } else if (output.match(format_last_re)) {
            var line_len = output.length;
            // why this line ???
            //var f_len = line_len-last[last.length-1].length;
            output = output.replace(format_last_re, '');
            prev_format = last.match(format_begin_re)[1];
  return result;

It work almost right but some lines are shorter then it should like:

is cracker.The term

in this FIDDLE, it work right when you strip formatting, checking checkbox. I work on this for couple of hours and have no clue why that line is shorter, any help will be very appreciated.

like image 742
jcubic Avatar asked Dec 26 '15 20:12


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The split() method splits a string into an array of substrings. The split() method returns the new array. The split() method does not change the original string. If (" ") is used as separator, the string is split between words.

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Python String split() Method A string can be split into substrings using the split(param) method. This method is part of the string object. The parameter is optional, but you can split on a specific string or character. Given a sentence, the string can be split into words.

1 Answers

Here's how to fix the original code:

Add the following after line 40:

in_text = false;

The in_text flag is used by the code to determine if the current position is in regular text. However, it was not clearing the flag when it entered a region of formatting markup. This was the cause care of the main issue described in the question with the ultra-short line.

Change the if statement at line 76/77 to:

if (is_space() && ((formatting && in_text) || !formatting || (line[j] === '[' && line[j+1] === '['))) {

This takes care of a lesser problem where line breaks were not happening on spaces between regular text and formatted text.

Working fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/2w10xp3m/1/

like image 139
heenenee Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
