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Adding parent div over multiple divs

I want to add a parent div.

<div id="faceone"><img src=""></div>

<div id="facetwo" ><img src=""></div>

<div id="facethree"><img src=""></div

<div id="facefour"><img src=""></div>

These are four divs and i want to add a parent div above them. I tried this

$('#faceone').wrapAll('<div class="cubeSpinner">'); 

But this is adding cubeSpinner above faceone only

<div class="cubeSpinner">

<div id="faceone"><img src=""></div>

<div id="facetwo" ><img src=""></div>

<div id="facethree"><img src=""></div

<div id="facefour"><img src=""></div>

But i want the result should be like this

<div class="cubeSpinner">

<div id="faceone"><img src=""></div>

<div id="facetwo" ><img src=""></div>

<div id="facethree"><img src=""></div

<div id="facefour"><img src=""></div>

like image 532
Owais Ahmed Avatar asked Nov 26 '15 00:11

Owais Ahmed

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1 Answers

You need to select all the elements in order for them to be wrapped. I'd suggest adding a common class to them, but in the meantime you could use the attribute selector [id^="face"] to select all elements with an id attribute that begins with 'face':

$('[id^="face"]').wrapAll('<div class="cubeSpinner"></div>'); 
like image 74
Josh Crozier Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Josh Crozier