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split alpha and numeric using sql

I have a table and it has a 3 columns. The first column is the data that contains value(numeric) and unit(percentage and etc..), the second column is numeric column, the third is Unit column. What I want to do is split the numeric and the unit from the first column then put those split-ted data to its designated column.

Here is my table:


I tried this function:SO link here..., it really does splitting alpha and numeric but then I'm new in using SQL Function, my problem there is the parameter must be in string STRING, so what I did is change it to Sub Query but it gives me error.

Sample COde:


create function [dbo].[GetNumbersFromText](@String varchar(2000))
returns table as return
  with C as
    select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int) as Number,
           stuff(s.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '') as Value
    from (select @String+' ') as S(Value)
      cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
      cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
    union all
    select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int),
           stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '')
    from C as S
      cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
      cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
    where patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value) > 0
  select Number
  from C


declare @S varchar(max)
select number from GetNumbersFromText(Select SomeColm From Table_Name) option (maxrecursion 0)

BTW, im using sql server 2005.


like image 537
Waelhi Avatar asked Nov 19 '14 06:11


3 Answers

If the numeric part is always at the beginning, then you can use this:

PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', ConcUnit)

to get the index of the last digit.

Thus, this:

DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX) = '4000 ug/ML' 

SELECT LEFT(@str, PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', @str )) AS Number,
       LTRIM(RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str) - PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', @str ))) As Unit

gives you:

Number  Unit
4000    ug/ML


If numeric data include double values as well, then you can use this:

SELECT LEN(@str) - PATINDEX ('%[^0-9][0-9]%', REVERSE(@str))

to get the index of the last digit.

Thus, this:

SELECT LEFT(@str, LEN(@str) - PATINDEX ('%[^0-9][0-9]%', REVERSE(@str)))

gives you the numeric part.

And this:

SELECT LEFT(@str, LEN(@str) - PATINDEX ('%[^0-9][0-9]%', REVERSE(@str))) AS Numeric,
          WHEN CHARINDEX ('%', @str) <> 0 THEN LTRIM(RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str) - CHARINDEX ('%', @str)))
          ELSE LTRIM(RIGHT(@str, PATINDEX ('%[^0-9][0-9]%', REVERSE(@str))))
       END AS Unit

gives you both numberic and unit part.

Here are some tests that I made with the data you have posted:


DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX) = '50 000ug/ML'


Numeric Unit
50 000  ug/ML


DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX) = '99.5%'


Numeric Unit


DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX) = '4000 . 35 % ug/ML'


Numeric     Unit
4000 . 35   ug/ML
like image 94
Giorgos Betsos Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11

Giorgos Betsos

Here is my answer. Check output in SQLFiddle for the same.

create TABLE temp
      string NVARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO temp (string)
    ('4000 ug\ml'),
    ('2000 ug\ml'),

SELECT subsrtunit,LEFT(subsrtnumeric, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', subsrtnumeric+'t') - 1)
    SELECT subsrtunit = SUBSTRING(string, posofchar, LEN(string)),
  subsrtnumeric = SUBSTRING(string, posofnumber, LEN(string))
    FROM (
        SELECT string, posofchar = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', string),
      posofnumber = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', string)
        FROM temp
    ) d
) t

Updated Version to handle 99.5 ug\ml

create TABLE temp
      string NVARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO temp (string)
    ('4000 ug\ml'),
    ('2000 ug\ml'),
    ('99.5 ug\ml')

SELECT subsrtunit,LEFT(subsrtnumeric, PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', subsrtnumeric+'t') - 1)
    SELECT subsrtunit = SUBSTRING(string, posofchar, LEN(string)),
  subsrtnumeric = SUBSTRING(string, posofnumber, LEN(string))
    FROM (
        SELECT string, posofchar = PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', string),
      posofnumber = PATINDEX('%[0-9.]%', string)
        FROM temp
    ) d
) t

Updated Version: To handle 1 000 ug\ml,20 000ug\ml

create TABLE temp
      string NVARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO temp (string)
    ('4000 ug\ml'),
    ('2000 ug\ml'),
    ('99.5 ug\ml'),
    ('1 000 ug\ml'),
    ('20 000ug\ml')

SELECT substring(replace(subsrtunit,' ',''),PATINDEX('%[0-9.]%', replace(subsrtunit,' ',''))+1,len(subsrtunit)),
LEFT(replace(subsrtnumeric,' ',''), PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', replace(subsrtnumeric,' ','')+'t') - 1)
    SELECT subsrtunit = SUBSTRING(string, posofchar, LEN(string)),
  subsrtnumeric = SUBSTRING(string, posofnumber, LEN(string))
    FROM (
        SELECT string, posofchar = PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', replace(string,' ','')),
      posofnumber = PATINDEX('%[0-9.]%', replace(string,' ',''))
        FROM temp
    ) d
) t

Check out SQLFiddle for the same.

like image 4
knkarthick24 Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11


Would something like this work? Based on the shown data it looks like it would.

Apply it to your data set as a select and if you like the results then you can make an update from it.

WITH cte as (SELECT 'ug/mL' ConcUnit, 500 as [Numeric], '' as Unit 
   UNION ALL SELECT '2000 ug/mL',     NULL,             '')

    [ConcUnit]                  as [ConcUnit],
    [Numeric]                   as [Original Numeric],
    [Unit]                      as [Original Unit],
    CASE WHEN ConcUnit LIKE '% %' THEN 
        SUBSTRING(ConcUnit, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', ConcUnit) - 1) 
        ELSE [Numeric] END      as [New Numeric],
    CASE WHEN ConcUnit LIKE '% %' 
        THEN SUBSTRING(ConcUnit, CHARINDEX(' ', ConcUnit) + 1, LEN(ConcUnit)) 
        ELSE ConcUnit END       as [New Unit]
FROM cte
like image 2
Chris Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11
