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How to execute store procedure for another DB?

I have a stored procedure that should be able to be executed on any table of any database on my MS Sql Server. Most of the combination of EXEC and USE statements didn't result in anything. Here is the stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_TrimAndLowerCaseVarcharFields]
    @Database VARCHAR(200),
    @TableSchema VARCHAR(200),
    @TableName VARCHAR(200)

    SET @Database = '[' + @Database + ']'
    SET @sSql = ''

    -- Create first part of a statement to update all columns that have type varchar
    SELECT @sSql = @sSql + COLUMN_NAME + ' = LOWER(RTRIM(' + COLUMN_NAME + ')), ' 
    WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'varchar'
    AND TABLE_CATALOG = @Database
    AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @TableSchema
    AND TABLE_NAME = @TableName

    SET @sSql = 'UPDATE ' + @Database + '.' + @TableSchema + '.' + @TableName + ' SET ' + @sSql

    -- Delete last two symbols (', ')
    SET @sSql = LEFT(@sSql, LEN(@sSql) - 1)


Please, advice what I have to do to execute it on [OtherDB].[TargetTable].

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Oleg Sakharov Avatar asked Nov 21 '11 05:11

Oleg Sakharov

2 Answers

You can fully qualify both tables and stored procedures. In other words you can do this:

UPDATE [OtherDB].[Schema].[targetTable] SET ...

It appears you are doing this in your proc already.

You can also EXEC a stored procedure using the Fully Qualified name - e.g.

EXEC [OtherDB].[dbo].[usp_TrimAndLowerCaseVarcharFields]

Honestly, your proc looks fine, are you receiving any error messages? If so please post them. Also, make sure your user has access to the other DB.

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Code Magician Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Code Magician

The table name in the query you used is wrong, it is looking up into same database, but you do need to look up from different database. So the query will be as below:

SELECT @sSql = @sSql + COLUMN_NAME + ' = LOWER(RTRIM(' + COLUMN_NAME + ')), ' 
WHERE DATA_TYPE = 'varchar'

-- [TargetDB] = @Database

The TargetDB will be same as your passing database (@Database)

If you want to use [TargetDB] dynamically then you need to generate sql(@sSql) and the execute the sql string.

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Elias Hossain Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Elias Hossain