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Spinning Background Tasks in Rails

What is the preferred way to create a background task for a Rails application? I've heard of Starling/Workling and the good ol' script/runner, but I am curious which is becoming the defacto way to manage this need?


Clarification: I like the idea of Rake in Background, but the problem is, I need something that is running constantly or every 10 hours. I am not going to have the luxury of sitting on a web request, it will need to be started by the server asynchronous to the activities occurring on my site.

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Derek P. Avatar asked Dec 23 '08 02:12

Derek P.

1 Answers

Ryan Bates created three great screencasts that might really help you:

  1. Rake in Background
  2. Starling and Workling
  3. Custom Daemon

He talks about the various pros and cons for using each one. This should help you get started.

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Tim Knight Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 07:11

Tim Knight