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Speed up inserts into SQL Server from pyodbc

In python, I have a process to select data from one database (Redshift via psycopg2), then insert that data into SQL Server (via pyodbc). I chose to do a read / write rather than a read / flat file / load because the row count is around 100,000 per day. Seemed easier to simply connect and insert. However - the insert process is slow, taking several minutes.

Is there a better way to insert data into SQL Server with Pyodbc?


done = False
rowcount = 0

while not done:
    rows = select_cursor.fetchmany(10000)

    insert_list = []

    if rows == []:
        done = True

    for row in rows:
        rowcount += 1

        insert_params = (


    insert_cnxn = pyodbc.connect('''Connection Information''')

    insert_cursor = insert_cnxn.cursor()

        INSERT INTO Destination (AccountNumber, OrderDate, Value)
        VALUES (?, ?, ?)
        """, insert_list)


like image 706
mikebmassey Avatar asked Oct 15 '16 15:10


People also ask

Why INSERT is slow in SQL Server?

I know that an INSERT on a SQL table can be slow for any number of reasons: Existence of INSERT TRIGGERs on the table. Lots of enforced constraints that have to be checked (usually foreign keys) Page splits in the clustered index when a row is inserted in the middle of the table.

Why bulk INSERT is faster than INSERT?

¶ Both 'Bulk insert with batch size' and 'Use single record insert' options are used for inserting records in a database table. The 'Bulk insert with batch size' option is used when you want the whole dataset to be loaded in batches of a specified size. Typically, larger batch sizes result in better transfer speeds.

How use bulk INSERT in SQL Server using python?

High Level Process for Using BULK INSERT in a Python Program Assemble the CREATE TABLE command for the table into which the data will be imported. Execute the CREATE TABLE command from within your Python program using a cursor. Assemble the BULK INSERT command for the file to be imported.

1 Answers

UPDATE: pyodbc 4.0.19 added a Cursor#fast_executemany option that can greatly improve performance by avoiding the behaviour described below. See this answer for details.

Your code does follow proper form (aside from the few minor tweaks mentioned in the other answer), but be aware that when pyodbc performs an .executemany what it actually does is submit a separate sp_prepexec for each individual row. That is, for the code

sql = "INSERT INTO #Temp (id, txtcol) VALUES (?, ?)"
params = [(1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar'), (3, 'baz')]
crsr.executemany(sql, params)

the SQL Server actually performs the following (as confirmed by SQL Profiler)

exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 bigint,@P2 nvarchar(3)',N'INSERT INTO #Temp (id, txtcol) VALUES (@P1, @P2)',1,N'foo'
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 bigint,@P2 nvarchar(3)',N'INSERT INTO #Temp (id, txtcol) VALUES (@P1, @P2)',2,N'bar'
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 bigint,@P2 nvarchar(3)',N'INSERT INTO #Temp (id, txtcol) VALUES (@P1, @P2)',3,N'baz'

So, for an .executemany "batch" of 10,000 rows you would be

  • performing 10,000 individual inserts,
  • with 10,000 round-trips to the server, and
  • sending the identical SQL command text (INSERT INTO ...) 10,000 times.

It is possible to have pyodbc send an initial sp_prepare and then do an .executemany calling sp_execute, but the nature of .executemany is that you still would do 10,000 sp_prepexec calls, just executing sp_execute instead of INSERT INTO .... That could improve performance if the SQL statement was quite long and complex, but for a short one like the example in your question it probably wouldn't make all that much difference.

One could also get creative and build "table value constructors" as illustrated in this answer, but notice that it is only offered as a "Plan B" when native bulk insert mechanisms are not a feasible solution.

like image 126
Gord Thompson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Gord Thompson