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pytest logbook logging to file and stdout

I'm trying to setup logbook in a PyTest test to output everything to both stderr and a file. The file should get every log level, but stderr should have a higher threshold (which PyTest will manage with it's usual capture settings).

I've got the pytest-logbook plugin. That redirects stderr into PyTest capture, but I'm not sure how to add the file output.

This is (hopefully) obvious to someone that knows logbook, but it's new to me.

One more thing, I want the file logging to be real time. My tests are generally long running and PyTest's normal behavior of only showing output on failure isn't helping when I need to see if things are hung.

Here is code that I think should work, but doesn't. I get the log file, but nothing to stdout/stderr (even on fail):


import os
import pytest
import logbook
import sys

def modlog(request):
    """Logger that also writes to a file."""
    name = request.module.__name__
    if name.startswith('test_'):
        name = name[5:]
    logname = 'TEST-'+name+'.log'
    if os.path.exists(logname):
        os.rename(logname, logname+"~")
    logger = logbook.Logger(name)
    logger.handlers.append(logbook.FileHandler(logname, level='DEBUG'))
    logger.handlers.append(logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout, level='INFO'))
    logger.warn("Start of logging")
    return logger


import pytest

def test_foo(modlog):
    assert 0                       # logs will only print on test fail
like image 557
Dan Christian Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 17:08

Dan Christian

People also ask

How do I print Pytest logs?

By setting the log_cli configuration option to true , pytest will output logging records as they are emitted directly into the console. You can specify the logging level for which log records with equal or higher level are printed to the console by passing --log-cli-level .

Does Pytest disable logging?

Pytest does not support this by default, but you can add a custom option to your conftest.py to turn off specific loggers.

1 Answers

Answering my own question (in case other run into the same thing).

The logging handlers form a stack and you have to allow messages to "bubble" through. This is done as an option when the handlers are created.

So the handler creation should be:

logger.handlers.append(logbook.FileHandler(logname, level='DEBUG', bubble=True))
logger.handlers.append(logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stderr, level='INFO', bubble=True))

If you run py.test -s, then you will see the info level messages in real time. If the test fails, the logbook plugin will show all log messages for the failed test (including debug). You will also get a copy in the file (in real time).

like image 88
Dan Christian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Dan Christian