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Specifying column name in a "references" migration

People also ask

How do I add a reference column in rails?

When you already have users and uploads tables and wish to add a new relationship between them. Then, run the migration using rake db:migrate . This migration will take care of adding a new column named user_id to uploads table (referencing id column in users table), PLUS it will also add an index on the new column.

How do you name migration in Rails?

Migrations should be: Camel cased or Snake cased. start with an action (i.e. create, add, remove, etc) The name of the table should be the last word and it should be plural.

For Rails 5+

Initial Definition:

If you are defining your Post model table, you can set references, index and foreign_key in one line:

t.references :author, index: true, foreign_key: { to_table: :users }

Update Existing:

If you are adding references to an existing table, you can do this:

add_reference :posts, :author, foreign_key: { to_table: :users }

Note: The default value for index is true.

In Rails 4.2+ you can also set foreign keys in the db as well, which is a great idea.

For simple associations this can be done also on t.references adding foreign_key: true, but in this case you'll need two lines.

# The migration
add_reference :posts, :author, index: true
add_foreign_key :posts, :users, column: :author_id

# The model
belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"

In rails 4, when using postgresql and the schema_plus gem you can just write

add_reference :posts, :author, references: :users

This will create a column author_id, which correctly refers to users(id).

And in your model, you write

belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"

Note, when creating a new table you can write it as follows:

create_table :things do |t| 
  t.belongs_to :author, references: :users 

Note: the schema_plus gem in it's entirety is not compatible with rails 5+, but this functionality is offered by the gem schema_auto_foreign_keys (part of schema_plus) which is compatible with rails 5.

Do it manually:

add_column :post, :author_id, :integer

but now, when you create the belongs_to statement, you will have to modify it, so now you have to call

def post
    belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => 'author_id'

If you aren't using a foreign key, then it doesn't matter what the actual table name of the other table is.

add_reference :posts, :author

As of Rails 5, if you're using a foreign key, you can specify the name of the other table in the foreign key options. (see https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21563 for discussion)

add_reference :posts, :author, foreign_key: {to_table: :users}

Prior to Rails 5, you should add the foreign key as a separate step:

add_foreign_key :posts, :users, column: :author_id