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spawn yarnpkg ENOENT

This happens when I run expo install expo-permissions

It explicitly returns me

Installing 1 SDK 35.0.0 compatible native module using Yarn.

yarn add expo-permissions@~7.0.0

spawn yarnpkg ENOENT

Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

Which is strange because I don't normally use Yarn. I use NPM to install dependencies.

I know this error has to do with my files or some path not being configured correctly. What I don't know is which path it is that I have to change and how to do so.

Please let me know if there is any other relevant info that I should add here.

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Wilfredo Casas Avatar asked Nov 17 '19 22:11

Wilfredo Casas

2 Answers

I had the same problem as you my solution and you perform the installation of yarn via npm:
npm i -g yarn
I believe this error is caused because he cannot find the symbolic link for yarnpkg. When executing this command, yarn will be updated and linked.

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Guilherme Benevides Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Guilherme Benevides

You can just pass the flag --npm after the command.

expo install [package-name] --npm
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Gabriel Veiga Cardoso Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Gabriel Veiga Cardoso