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spatial join on two simple features {sf} with over 1 mil. entries as fast as possible

I hope this is not too trivial but I really can't find an answer and I'm too new to the topic to come up with alternatives myself. So here is the Problem:

I have two shapefiles x and y that represent different processing levels of a Sentinel2 satellite image. x contains about 1.300.000 polygons/Segments completely covering the image extend without any further vital information.
y contains about 500 polygons representing the cloud-free area of the image (also covering most of the image except for a few "cloud-holes") as well as information about the used image in 4 columns (Sensor, Time...)

I'm trying to add the image information to x in places x is covered by y. pretty simple? I just can't find a way to make it happen without taking days.

I read x in as a simple feature {sf}, as reading it with shapefile / readOGR takes ages. I tried different things with y

when I try merge(x,y) I can only take one sf as merge doesn't support two sf's. merging x (as sf) and y (as shp) gives me the error "cannot allocate vector of size 13.0 Gb"

so I tried sf::st_join(x,y), which supports both Variables to be sf but still didn't finish for 28 hours now

sf::st_intersect(x,y) took about 9 minutes for a 10.000 segment subset, so that might not be a lot faster for the whole piece.

could subsetting x to a few smaller pieces solve the whole thing or is there another simple solution? could I do something with my workspace to make the merge work or is there simply no shortcut to joining that amount of polygons?

Thanks a lot in advance and I hope my description isn't too fuzzy!

my tiny work station:
win 7 64 bit
intel i7-4790 @ 3,6 GHz

like image 337
Matthias_Stack Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 11:04


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1 Answers

I often face this kind of problems and as @manotheshark2 afirms, I prefer to work in a loop subseting my vector layer. Here is my advice:

Load your data

x <- readOGR('C:/', 'sentinelCovers')
y <- readOGR('C:/', 'cloudHoles')

Assign an y ID for identify which x polygons intersects y polygons and create the column in x table

x$xyID <- NA # Answer col
y$yID <- 1:nrow(y@data) # ID col

Run a loop subseting x

for (posX in 1:nrow(x@data)){
  pol.x <- x[posX, ]
  intX <- raster::intersect(pol.x, y)
  # x$xyID[posX] <- intX@data$yID ## Run this if there's unique y polygons
  # x$xyID[posX] <- paste0(intX@data$yID, collapse = ',') ## Run this if there's multiple y polygons

You can check if is better to run the loop on x o y layer

x$xyID <- NA # Answer col
x$xID <- 1:nrow(x@data) # ID Col

for (posY in 1:nrow(y@data)){
  pol.y <- y[posY, ]
  intY <- tryCatch(raster::intersect(pol.y, x), finally = 'NULL')
  if (is.null(intY)) next
  x$xyID[x@data$xID %in% intY@data$xID] <- pol.y$yID
like image 111
gonzalez.ivan90 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10
