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spark.sql vs SqlContext

I have used SQL in Spark, in this example:

results = spark.sql("select * from ventas")

where ventas is a dataframe, previosuly cataloged like a table:


but I have seen other ways of working with SQL in Spark, using the class SqlContext:

df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM table")

What is the difference between both of them?

Thanks in advance

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juanvg1972 Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 22:08


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Spark SQLContext is defined in org.apache.spark.sql package since 1.0 and is deprecated in 2.0 and replaced with SparkSession. SQLContext contains several useful functions of Spark SQL to work with structured data (columns & rows) and it is an entry point to Spark SQL.

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1 Answers

From a user's perspective (not a contributor), I can only rehash what the developer's provided in the upgrade notes:

Upgrading From Spark SQL 1.6 to 2.0

  • SparkSession is now the new entry point of Spark that replaces the old SQLContext and HiveContext. Note that the old SQLContext and HiveContext are kept for backward compatibility. A new catalog interface is accessible from SparkSession - existing API on databases and tables access such as listTables, createExternalTable, dropTempView, cacheTable are moved here.

Before 2.0, the SqlContext needed an extra call to the factory that creates it. With SparkSession, they made things a lot more convenient.

If you take a look at the source code, you'll notice that the SqlContext class is mostly marked @deprecated. Closer inspection shows that the most commonly used methods simply call sparkSession.

For more info, take a look at the developer notes, Jira issues, conference talks on spark 2.0, and Databricks blog.

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emran Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10
