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Issue while parsing mongo collection which has few schemas in spark

I'm moving data from one collection to another in other cluster using Spark. the data's schema is not consistent(I mean that has few schema's in a single collection with different data types with little variations). When I try to read data from spark, the sampling is unable to get all the schema's of the data and throwing the below error.(I have a complex schema which I can't explicitly mention instead of spark gets by sampling.)

com.mongodb.spark.exceptions.MongoTypeConversionException: Cannot cast ARRAY into a NullType (value: BsonArray{values=[{ "type" : "GUEST_FEE", "appliesPer" : "GUEST_PER_NIGHT", "description" : null, "minAmount" : 33, "maxAmount" : 33 }]})

I tried reading the collection as an RDD and write as an RDD still the issue persists.

Any help on this.!


like image 306
knowledge_seeker Avatar asked Jun 20 '18 18:06


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1 Answers

All these com.mongodb.spark.exceptions.MongoTypeConversionException: Cannot cast SOME_TYPE into a NullType come from incorrect schema inference. For schema-less data sources such as JSON file or mongodb, Spark does a scan of small fraction of the data to determine the types. If some particular field has lots of NULL's you can get unlucky and type will be set as NullType.

One thing you can do is increase the number of entries scanned for schema inference.

Another - get the inferred schema first, fix it, and reload dataframe with fixed schema:

def fix_spark_schema(schema):
  if schema.__class__ == pyspark.sql.types.StructType:
    return pyspark.sql.types.StructType([fix_spark_schema(f) for f in schema.fields])
  if schema.__class__ == pyspark.sql.types.StructField:
    return pyspark.sql.types.StructField(schema.name, fix_spark_schema(schema.dataType), schema.nullable)
  if schema.__class__ == pyspark.sql.types.NullType:
    return pyspark.sql.types.StringType()
  return schema

collection_schema = sqlContext.read \
    .format("com.mongodb.spark.sql") \
    .options(...) \
    .load() \

collection = sqlContext.read \
    .format("com.mongodb.spark.sql") \
    .options(...) \

In my case all problematic fields could be represented with StringType, you might make the logic more complex if needed.

like image 132
vlyubin Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11
