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Spaghetti stack in C

Does anybody know where I can find an example of a Spaghetti stack written in C?

like image 656
Ralph Avatar asked Nov 05 '09 21:11


1 Answers

It should be something similar to that:

struct stack_item;

struct stack_item
    stack_item *parent;
    void *ptr_data;

stack_item *stack_pointer = null;

void push(stack_item *item)
    if (stack_pointer == null)
        item->parent = null;
        item->parent = cur; 

stack_pointer = item;

/* like push but doesn't update cur stack item to the one pushed, just add a child */
void push_parallel(stack_item *item)
    if (stack_pointer == null)
        stack_pointer = item;
        item->parent = null;
        item->parent = stack_pointer;

stack_item *pop()
    if (stack_pointer == null)
        printf("error: stack is empty.\r\n");
        return null;

    stack_item *current = stack_pointer;
    stack_pointer = current->parent;

    return current;

Mind that a spaghetti stack is useful when you want to keep references of things that you pop out of the stack, having many parallel linked list that end to a common root. So you have to keep references of item you pop out because you need to traverse them in a bottom-up way from the leaf to the root, and of course using a different leaf node will produce a different linked list that has elements in common with other lists that start from other leaves..

like image 145
Jack Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
