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AVR 8bit, C standard compliance regarding bit accessing of SFRs




One of my colleagues ran in some strange problems with programming an ATMega, related to accessing input - output ports.

Observing the problem after some research I concluded we should avoid accessing SFR's using operations which may compile to SBI or CBI instructions if we aim for a safe C standard compliant software. I am looking for whether this decision was righteous or not, so if my concerns here are valid.

The datasheet of the Atmel processor is here, it's an ATMega16. I will refer to some pages of this document below.

I will refer to the C standard using the version found on this site under the WG14 N1256 link.

The SBI and CBI instructions of the processor operate at bit-level accessing only the bit in question. So they are not true Read-Modify-Write (R-M-W) instructions since they, as I understand, do not perform a read (of the targeted 8 bit SFR).

On page 50 of the above datasheet the first sentence begins like All AVR ports have true Read-Modify-Write functionality..., while ongoing it specifies that this only applies to accesses with the SBI and CBI instructions which technically are not R-M-W. The datasheet does not define what reading for example the PORTx registers are supposed to return (it however indicates that they are readable). So I assumed reading these SFRs are undefined (they might return the last thing written on them or the current input state or whatever).

On page 70 it lists some external interrupt flags, this is interesting because this is where the nature of the SBI and CBI instructions come to be important. The flags are set when an interrupt occurred, and they may be cleared by writing them to one. So if SBI was a true R-M-W instruction, it would clear all three flags regardless of the bit specified in the opcode.

And now let's get into the matters of C.

The compiler itself is truly irrelevant, the only important fact is that it might use the CBI and SBI instructions in certain situations which I think make it non-compliant.

In the above mentioned C99 standard, the section Program execution, point 2 and 3 refers to this (on page 13), and 6.7.3 Type qualifiers, point 6 (on page 109). The latter mentions that What constitutes an access to an object that has volatile-qualified type is implementation-defined, however a few phrases before it requires that any expression referring to such an object shall be evaluated strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine.

Also note that hardware ports such as that used in the example are declared volatile in the appropriate headers.


PORTA |= 1U << 6;

This is known to translate to an SBI. This implies that only a Write access happens on the volatile (PORTA) object. However if one would write:

var = 6;
PORTA |= 1U << var;

That would not translate to an SBI even though it will still only set one bit (since SBI has the bit to set encoded in the opcode). So this will expand to a true R-M-W sequence with a potentially different result than above (in the case of PORTA this is undefined behaviour as far as I could deduct from the datasheet).

By the C standard this behaviour might or might not be permitted. It is messy in that term too that here two things happen which mix in. One, the more apparent is the lack of the Read access in one of the cases. The other, less apparent is how the Write is performed.

If the compiled code omits the Read, it might fail to trigger hardware behaviour which is tied to such an access. However the AVR as far as I know has no such mechanism, so it might pass by the standard.

The Write is more interesting, however it also takes in the Read.

Omitting the Read in the case of using SBI implies that the affected SFR's must all work like latches (or any bit not working like so is either tied to 0 or 1), so the compiler can be sure of what it would read from them if it actually did the access. If this was not be the case then the compiler would at least be buggy. By the way this also clashes with that the datasheet did not define what is read from the PORTx registers.

How the write is performed is also a source of inconsistency: the result is different depending on how the compiler compiles it (a CBI or SBI affecting only one bit, a byte write affecting all bits). So writing code to clear / set one bit might either "work" (as in not "accidentally" clearing interrupt flags), or not if the compiler produces a true R-M-W sequence instead.

Maybe these are technically permitted by the C standard (as "implementation defined" behaviour, and the compiler deducting these cases that the Read access is not necessary to the volatile object), but at least I would consider it a buggy or inconsistent implementation.

Another example:

PORTA = PORTA | (1U << 6);

It is clearly visible that normally to conform with the standard a Read and then a Write of PORTA should be carried out. While according to the behaviour of SBI, it will lack a Read access, although as above this may pass for a mix of implementation defined behaviour and the compiler deducting that the Read is unnecessary here. (Or was my assumption wrong? That is assuming a |= b identical to a = a | b?)

So based on these I settled with that we should avoid these types of code as it is (or may be in the future) unclear how they might behave depending on whether the compiler would use SBI or CBI, or a true R-M-W sequence.

To tell the truth I mostly went after various forum posts etc. resolving this, not analysing actual compiler output. Not my project after all (and now I am not at work). I accepted it reading AVRFreaks for example that AVR-GCC would output these instructions in the above mentioned situations which alone may pose a problem even if with the actual version we used we wouldn't observe this. (However I think this case it stood as my suggestion to implement port accesses using a shadow work variables fixed the problems my colleague observed)

Note: I edited the middle based on some research on the C (C99) standard.

Edit: Reading the AVR Libc FAQ I again found something which contradicts the automatic use of SBI or CBI. It is the last question & answer where it specifically states that since the ports are declared volatile the compiler can not optimize out the read access, according to the rules of the C language (as it phrases).

I also understand that it is very unlikely that this particular behaviour (that is using SBI or CBI) would directly introduce bugs, but by masking "bugs" it may introduce very nasty ones in the long run if someone accidentally generalizes based on this behaviour while not understanding the AVR at assembly level.

like image 818
Jubatian Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 16:10


1 Answers

You should probably stop trying to apply the C memory model to I/O registers. They are not plain memory. In the case of PORTn registers, it is in fact irrelevant whether it is a single bit write or a R-M-W operation unless you're mixing in interrupts. If you do read-modify-write an interrupt may alter state in between, causing a race condition; but that would be exactly the same issue for memory. The advantage of the SBI/CBI instructions there is that they are atomic.

The PORTn registers are readable, and also drive the output buffers. They are not different functions on read and write (as on PIC), but a normal register. Newer PICs also have the output registers readable on LAT addresses, precisely so you won't need a shadow variable. Other SFRs such as PINn or interrupt flags have more complicated behaviour. On recent AVRs, writing to PINn instead toggles bits in PORTn, which again is useful for its fast and atomic operation. Writing 1s to interrupt flag registers clears them, again to prevent race conditions.

The point is, these features are in place to produce correct behaviour for hardware aware programs, even if some of it looks odd in C code (i.e. using reg=_BV(2); instead of reg&=~_BV(2);). Precise compliance with the C standard is an impractical goal when the code is by its very nature hardware specific (though semantic similarity does help, which the interrupt flag behaviour fails at). Wrapping the odd constructs in inline functions or macros with names that explain what they truly do is probably a good idea, or at least commenting what the effects are. A set of such I/O routines could also form the basis of a hardware abstraction layer that may help you port code.

Trying to interpret the C specification strictly here is also rather confusing, as it doesn't admit to addressing bits (which is what SBI and CBI do), and digging through my old (1992) copy finds that volatile accesses may result in several implementation defined behaviours, including the possibility of no accesses at all.

like image 73
Yann Vernier Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09

Yann Vernier