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SourceTree: stop remember password

Pulling sources from a repository needs my password.

SourceTree remembers this password by default. I don't want SourceTree to remember my password. I have to disable this every time!

How can I disable this default behaviour? Thanks!

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Dimitri Dewaele Avatar asked Mar 21 '14 10:03

Dimitri Dewaele

People also ask

How do I remove a password from SourceTree Mac?

In Mac, it can be changed by clicking on Gear icon > Accounts. Alternatively, you can go to the "Keychain Access" utility on the Mac, search for the remote password and delete the stored key. Then the next time you start SourceTree, it will ask you for your new credentials.

Where does SourceTree store credentials?

1 answer. The credentials are stored in the Windows' Credential Manager, under the Windows Credentials section, stored with a 'git:' prefix. This is the pattern used by Git via the Git Credentials manager for Windows which SourceTree interacts with.

1 Answers

I use sourcetree un a mac and this help me, it should work the same way in windows:

  1. Open the Hosted Repositories window by clicking View > Show Hosted Repositories or Command + Shift + H.
  2. Click Edit Accounts
  3. Double-click on your account
  4. Click Set Password
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germangti Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 02:02
