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Is bcrypt viable for large web sites?

I've been on the bcrypt bandwagon for a while now, but I'm having trouble answering a simple nagging question.

Imagine I have a reasonably successful web site in the U.S... about 100,000 active users that each have activity patterns requiring 2 to 3 authentication attempts on average over the course of a typical American business day (12 hours when you include timezones). That's 250,000 authentication requests per day, or about 5.8 authentications per second.

One of the neat things about bcrypt is that you tune it, so that over time it scales as hardware does, to stay ahead of the crackers. A common tuning is to get it to take just over 1/10 of a second per hash creation... let's say I get it to .173 seconds per hash. I chose that number because it just so happens that .173 seconds per hash works out to about 5.8 hashes per second. In other words, my hypothetical web server is literally spending all it's time doing nothing but authenticating users. Never mind actually doing any useful work.

To address this issue, I would have to either tune bcrypt way down (not a good idea) or get a dedicated server just to do authentications, and nothing else. Now imagine that the site grows and adds another 100,000 users. Suddenly I need two servers: again, doing nothing but authentication. Don't even start thinking about load spikes, as you have light and busy periods throughout a day.

As I see it right now, this is one of those problems that would be nice to have, and bcrypt would still be worth the trouble. But I'd like to know if I'm I missing something obvious here? Something subtle? Or can anyone out there actually point to a well known web site running a whole server farm just for the authentication portion of their site?

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Joel Coehoorn Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 03:03

Joel Coehoorn

People also ask

Is BCrypt good enough?

The result of bcrypt achieves core properties of a secure password function as defined by its designers: It's preimage resistant. The salt space is large enough to mitigate precomputation attacks, such as rainbow tables. It has an adaptable cost.

Is BCrypt secure 2022?

And this is a great choice as bcrypt is a secure — at least at the time of writing — algorithm, and is used very commonly in other technologies. For example, Phoenix on Unix system uses it by default, and I saw it often used in NodeJS projects.

Is BCrypt an industry standard?

Bcrypt is an algorithm designed to hash and salt passwords for safe storage. It's an industry standard that's time-tested and proven to resist threats from hackers and other malicious agents.

What is more secure than BCrypt?

SCrypt is a better choice today: better design than BCrypt (especially in regards to memory hardness) and has been in the field for 10 years. On the other hand, it has been used for many cryptocurrencies and we have a few hardware (both FPGA and ASIC) implementation of it.

1 Answers

Even if you tune bcrypt to take only, say, 1/1000 of a second, that's still quite a bit slower than simple hashing — a quick and dirty Perl benchmark says my not-so-new computer can calculate about 300,000 SHA-256 hashes per second.

Yes, the difference between 1000 and 300,000 is only about 8 bits, but that's still 8 bits of security margin you wouldn't have otherwise, and that difference is only going to increase as CPUs get faster.

Also, if you use scrypt instead of bcrypt, it will retain its memory-hardness property even if the iteration count is lowered, which will still make brute forcing it harder to parallelize.

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Ilmari Karonen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Ilmari Karonen