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SourceKitService eating all CPU on Xcode 8.3.2

I'm ok Xcode 8.3.2 and SourceKitService is using all my CPU. I read a lot of questions here on stackoverflow, but I could't find a real solution.

What I tried:

  • Clean project data: cmd+shift+alt+K
  • Delete derivedData folder
  • reboot Xcode
  • redownload the project code from git

Nothing worked. I understood the issue is probably related to some code, but how can I spot where is the issue? My project is quite big...

Currently Xcode is unusable...

Thanks for your help

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Stefano Giacone Avatar asked Jun 04 '17 09:06

Stefano Giacone

1 Answers

This is not really a "fix" because it will also be detrimental to people who rely on having live issues shown to them. But if you go to Preferences->General and switch off "Show live issues" then xcode runs like a bunny on a cool spring day. I prefer that over having to force quit SourceKit service every now and then.

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Theis Egeberg Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Theis Egeberg