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"Launch screens may not have triggered segues. LaunchScreen.storyboard"?



Launch screens may not have triggered segues. LaunchScreen.storyboard

What does it mean? I am using Xcode and I am trying to do a segues.

like image 981
Brandon Avatar asked Nov 29 '15 06:11


2 Answers

You cannot perform segues inside a launch screen story board.

LaunhScreen.storyboard files are static and cannot run codes, segues or other forms of animation. You should implement you UI inside Main.storyboard or another storyboard set as your main storyboard.

P.S.: Using LaunchScreen storyboards

like image 77
M. Porooshani Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09

M. Porooshani

You can't have segues to LaunchScreen.storyboard. Try to play with Main.storyboard.


is for splash screen.


for adding scenes and more.

like image 39
umairhhhs Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09
