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SOS does not support the current target architecture

I am trying to use windbg to research a hang dump file created on an x64 machine for our x86 process. This is a 4.0 x86 application, so just to get an unmanaged stack, I had to do the following:

.loadby sos clr .load wow64exts !sw kL 

However, everytime I try to get the managed stack via !clrstack I get the error in the title. What am I missing?

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Justin Pihony Avatar asked May 07 '13 15:05

Justin Pihony

2 Answers

I believe you will have to use the 32-bit task manager, located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskmgr.exe to get a 32-bit dump.

More info here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tess/archive/2010/09/29/capturing-memory-dumps-for-32-bit-processes-on-an-x64-machine.aspx

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trydis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10


As others have said already, this can be caused by a 64 bit application (like the default Task Manager, for example) creating a dump file of a 32 bit process.

I was able to resolve the problem using the soswow64 WinDbg extension from poizan42 on GitHub. I've found it through this blog entry, which also provides some more detailed information about the issue.

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Tamas Kozma Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10

Tamas Kozma