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Sorting numbers array issue




Yesterday at work I set out to figure out how to sort numbers without using the library method Array.Sort. I worked on and off when time permitted and finally was able to come up with a basic working algorithm at the end of today. It might be rather stupid and the slowest way, but I am content that I have a working code.

But there is something wrong or missing in the logic, that is causing the output to hang before printing the line: Numbers Sorted. (12/17/2011 2:11:42 AM)

This delay is directly proportionate to the number of elements in the array. To be specific, the output just hangs at the position where I put the tilde in the results section below. The content after tilde is getting printed after that noticeable delay.

Here is the code that does the sort:

while(pass != unsortedNumLen)
    for(int i=0,j=1; i < unsortedNumLen-1 && j < unsortedNumLen; i++,j++)
        if (unsorted[i] > unsorted[j])
            pass = 0;
            Console.Write("Swapping {0} and {1}:\t", unsorted[i], unsorted[j]);
            tmp = unsorted[i];
            unsorted[i] = unsorted[j];
            unsorted[j] = tmp;

        else pass++;

The results:

Numbers unsorted. (12/17/2011 2:11:19 AM)

4 3 2 1
Swapping 4 and 3:       3 4 2 1
Swapping 4 and 2:       3 2 4 1
Swapping 4 and 1:       3 2 1 4
Swapping 3 and 2:       2 3 1 4
Swapping 3 and 1:       2 1 3 4
Swapping 2 and 1:       1 2 3 4
Numbers sorted. (12/17/2011 2:11:42 AM)

1 2 3 4
Number of swaps: 6

Can you help identify the issue with my attempt?

Link to full code
This is not homework, just me working out.

like image 431
Animesh Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 07:12


1 Answers

Change the condition in your while to this:

while (pass < unsortedNumLen)

Logically pass never equals unsortedNumLen so your while won't terminate.

pass does eventually equal unsortedNumLen when it goes over the max value of an int and loops around to it.

In order to see what's happening yourself while it's in the hung state, just hit the pause button in Visual Studio and hover your mouse over pass to see that it contains a huge value.

You could also set a breakpoint on the while line and add a watch for pass. That would show you that the first time the list is sorted, pass equals 5.

like image 97
CoderDennis Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 06:01
