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Lose Textbox Focus

In my Windows Phone 7 Application I've written a bit of code to make the focus jump to the next textbox on the return key bein pressed. This all works fine, but now what I want to do is get the software keyboard out of the way if the user pressed return on the final textbox. However there is no UnFocus() method. What should I do instead? :)

I thought about Focusing something else (e.g. The PhoneApplicationPage) but this doesnt have a Focus() method.

        public List<TextBox> Textboxes = new List<TextBox> { };

    public void CheckForReturn(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        TextBox ThisTextbox = sender as TextBox;
        if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
            int ThisTextboxListPosition = Textboxes.IndexOf(ThisTextbox);
            int NextTextboxListPosition = ThisTextboxListPosition + 1;

            if (NextTextboxListPosition < Textboxes.Count)
                TextBox NextTextBox = Textboxes[NextTextboxListPosition];
                //Something like this!
like image 418
dannybrown Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 07:12


1 Answers

I am always use in this situation

like image 63
Ku6opr Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 13:12
