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Sorting Map values in descending order with Groovy

I have a Map<String,Integer> whose entries (keys) need to be sorted in order of descending value. For instance, if the map looks like:

"a" => 5
"b" => 3
"c" => 12
"d" => 9

The after sorting it needs to look like:

"c" => 12
"d" => 9
"a" => 5
"b" => 3

My best attempt thus far:

def test() {
    Map<String,Integer> toSort = new HashMap<String,Integer>()
    toSort.put("a", 5)
    toSort.put("b", 3)
    toSort.put("c", 12)
    toSort.put("d", 9)

    Map<String,Integer> sorted = sortMapDesc(toSort)
    sorted.each {
        println "${it.key} has a value of ${it.value}."

def sortMapDesc(Map<String,Integer> toSort) {
    println "Sorting..."
    println toSort

    // The map of properly sorted entries.
    Map<String,Integer> sorted = new HashMap<String,Integer>()

    // Keep scanning the map for the key with the highest value. When we find
    // it, add it as the next entry to the 'sorted' map, and then zero it out
    // so it won't show up as the highest on subsequent scans/passes. Stop scanning
    // when the entire 'toSort' map contains keys with zeros.
    while(!mapIsAllZeros(toSort)) {
        int highest = -1
        String highestKey = ""
        toSort.each {
            if(it.value > highest) {
                highest = it.value
                highestKey = it.key

        toSort.put(highestKey, 0)
        sorted.put(highestKey, highest)


def mapIsAllZeros(Map<String,Integer> toCheck) {

When I run test() I get the following output:

[d:9, b:3, c:12, a:5]
d has a value of 9.
b has a value of 3.
c has a value of 12.
a has a value of 5.

Where am I going wrong here?

like image 576
smeeb Avatar asked Sep 04 '14 23:09


People also ask

How do you sort a map by value in descending order?

Use Collectors. toMap() method to get the result in another Map. In order to sort in decreasing order, just reverse the order of Comparator using Collections. reverseOrder() or Comparator.

How do I sort a map in groovy?

Maps don't have an order for the elements, but we may want to sort the entries in the map. Since Groovy 1.7. 2 we can use the sort() method which uses the natural ordering of the keys to sort the entries. Or we can pass a Comparator to the sort() method to define our own sorting algorithm for the keys.

1 Answers

Just do:

​def m = [a:​5, b:12, c:3, d:9]
def sorted = m.sort { a, b -> b.value <=> a.value }
like image 84
tim_yates Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09
