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Sorting by multiple params in pyes and elasticsearch

I can pass a single sort parameter to the search query in pyes like this:

s = MatchAllQuery()
conn.search(query=Search(s), indexes=["test"], sort='_score')

But I need to pass an extra parameter to sort the docs with the same score, like this:

  "sort": [
      "extra_param": {
        "order": "asc"
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "match_all": {}

How can I do this in pyes?


like image 500
AnalyticsBuilder Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 17:01


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1 Answers

If you'd like the results in the result set with the same score to be ordered by price, append price to the sort string:

s = MatchAllQuery()
conn.search(query=Search(s), indexes=["test"], sort='_score,price')

By default the sort order is ascending. To pass the sort order append :asc or :desc to the sort parameter

s = MatchAllQuery()
conn.search(query=Search(s), indexes=["test"], sort='_score,price:desc')
like image 128
AnalyticsBuilder Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
