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Null matrix with constant diagonal, with same shape as another matrix

I'm wondering if there is a simple way to multiply a numpy matrix by a scalar. Essentially I want all values to be multiplied by the constant 40. This would be an nxn matrix with 40's on the diagonal, but I'm wondering if there is a simpler function to use to scale this matrix. Or how would I go about making a matrix with the same shape as my other matrix and fill in its diagonal?

Sorry if this seems a bit basic, but for some reason I couldn't find this in the doc.

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Arjun Nayini Avatar asked May 02 '11 00:05

Arjun Nayini

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1 Answers

If you want a matrix with 40 on the diagonal and zeros everywhere else, you can use NumPy's function fill_diagonal() on a matrix of zeros. You can thus directly do:

N = 100; value = 40
b = np.zeros((N, N))
np.fill_diagonal(b, value)

This involves only setting elements to a certain value, and is therefore likely to be faster than code involving multiplying all the elements of a matrix by a constant. This approach also has the advantage of showing explicitly that you fill the diagonal with a specific value.

If you want the diagonal matrix b to be of the same size as another matrix a, you can use the following shortcut (no need for an explicit size N):

b = np.zeros_like(a)
np.fill_diagonal(b, value)
like image 75
Eric O Lebigot Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Eric O Lebigot