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Sorting a list of random transactions using dplyr





Assume the following set of original transactions:


original_transactions <- data.frame(
  row = 1:6,
  start = 0,
  change = runif(6, min = -10, max = 10) %>% round(2),
  end = 0
) %>% mutate(
  temp = cumsum(change),
  end = 100 + temp, # End balance
  start = end - change # Start balance
) %>% select(

enter image description here

It shows a (chronological) sequence of transactions with a starting balance of $100.00 and an ending balance of $95.65, with six transactions/changes.

Now assume that you receive a jumbled version of this

transactions <- original_transactions %>% sample_n(
) %>% mutate(
  row = row_number() # Original sequence is unknown

enter image description here

How can I reverse-engineer the sequence in R? That is, to get the sort order of transactions to match that of original_transactions? Ideally I'd like to do this using dplyr and a sequence of pipes %>% and avoid loops.

Assume that the start/end balances will be unique and that, in general, the number of transactions can vary.

like image 746
Werner Avatar asked Dec 20 '18 05:12


People also ask

How do I sort in dplyr in R?

We will use pipe operator “%>%” to feed the data to the dplyr function arrange(). We need to specify name of the variable that we want to sort dataframe. In this example, we are sorting by variable “body_mass_g”. dplyr's arrange() sorts the dataframe by the variable and outputs a new dataframe (as a tibble).

How do you arrange data in ascending order in R?

To sort a data frame in R, use the order( ) function. By default, sorting is ASCENDING. Prepend the sorting variable by a minus sign to indicate DESCENDING order.

Which is the by default order for arranging elements using arrange () in the dplyr package?

Sorting in ascending order is the default sorting order in arrange() function.

Is dplyr in Tidyverse?

Similarly to readr , dplyr and tidyr are also part of the tidyverse. These packages were loaded in R's memory when we called library(tidyverse) earlier.

1 Answers

First, let

#   row  start change    end
# 1   1 100.00   2.33 102.33
# 2   2 102.33  -6.52  95.81
# 3   3  95.81  -4.20  91.61
# 4   4  91.61  -3.56  88.05
# 5   5  88.05   7.92  95.97
# 6   6  95.97   3.61  99.58

#   row  start change    end
# 1   1 100.00   2.33 102.33
# 2   2  91.61  -3.56  88.05
# 3   3  95.81  -4.20  91.61
# 4   4 102.33  -6.52  95.81
# 5   5  88.05   7.92  95.97
# 6   6  95.97   3.61  99.58


diffs <- outer(transactions$start, transactions$start, `-`)
matches <- abs(sweep(diffs, 2, transactions$change, `-`)) < 1e-3

I guess that computing diffs is the most computationally expensive part in the whole solution. diffs has all possible differences between start of your transactions. Then comparing those with the change column in matches we know which pairs of rows of transactions should go together. If there were no problems regarding numeric precision, we could then use the match function and be done quickly. In this case, however, we have the following two options.

First, we may use igraph.

(g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(t(matches) * 1))
# IGRAPH 45d33f0 D--- 6 5 -- 
# + edges from 45d33f0:
# [1] 1->4 2->5 3->2 4->3 5->6

That is, we have a hidden path graph: 1->4->3->2->5->6 which we want to recover. It is given by the longest path from the vertex which has no incoming edges (which is 1):

transactions[as.vector(tail(all_simple_paths(g, from = which(rowSums(matches) == 0)), 1)[[1]]), ]
#   row  start change    end
# 1   1 100.00   2.33 102.33
# 4   4 102.33  -6.52  95.81
# 3   3  95.81  -4.20  91.61
# 2   2  91.61  -3.56  88.05
# 5   5  88.05   7.92  95.97
# 6   6  95.97   3.61  99.58

Another option is recursive.

fun <- function(x, path = x) {
  if(length(xNew <- which(matches[, x])) > 0)
    fun(xNew, c(path, xNew))
  else path
transactions[fun(which(rowSums(matches) == 0)), ]
#   row  start change    end
# 1   1 100.00   2.33 102.33
# 4   4 102.33  -6.52  95.81
# 3   3  95.81  -4.20  91.61
# 2   2  91.61  -3.56  88.05
# 5   5  88.05   7.92  95.97
# 6   6  95.97   3.61  99.58

It uses the same unique longest path graph idea as the previous approach.

No explicit loops... And of course you may rewrite everything with %>%, but it won't be as pretty as you want; this is not really a traditional data transformation task where dplyr is best.

like image 56
Julius Vainora Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10

Julius Vainora