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Sort with XPath - Not XSL





Is there any way in XPath DOM Programming with using System.Xml to run selectNodes (XPATH) with a sort parameter?

For example, with the following XML and program writes values in the same order as the document (descending). Is there a way using XPath to get the values in ascending order?

NOTE. Of course, you could pre-sort in XSL, however I need to update the values as I'm looping through them. Since XSL gives me a sorted copy of the elements, not the actual elements themselves, I can't use XSL.

Here's some XML, a program out output

public static void Main() {

        XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
        xml.Load( "t.xml" );

        // SelectNodes gets in document order, but I want in 
            // ascending order based on @value
        foreach( XmlNode ndNode in xml.SelectNodes( "/xml/ele" ) ) {
            Console.WriteLine( ndNode.Attributes["value"].Value );

Here's the XML

<ele value='3' test='Third'/>
<ele value='2' test='Second'/>
<ele value='1' test='First'/>

Finally the output in document (descending) order. I'd like an XPath that returns the nodes in ascending order.


PS, I'm using System.Xml in Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5

like image 688
William Walseth Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 04:12

William Walseth

1 Answers

XPath doesn't supprort ordering, however you may look at AddSort method.

like image 160
Wojteq Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 13:12
