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Sort records by; future ASC, past DESC




I want to sort records as follows:

  1. Future/present events ASC
  2. Past events DESC

So first today, then tomorrow, until there are no more future records. Then I want to show the past events, but the latest first.

So far I've found a solution for the first point:

    CASE WHEN ev.StartDate < CURDATE()
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
     END) ASC, ev.StartDate ASC

But the issue with this query is that all posts are ordered ASC, including the past posts (which need to be DESC).

How do I combine this in the CASE?

like image 596
Richard Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 18:12


1 Answers

You need a slightly more complex order by:

ORDER BY (ev.StartDate < CURDATE()),
         (case when ev.StartDate > CURDATE() then ev.StartDate end) ASC,
         (case when ev.StartDate < CURDATE() then ev.StartDate end) DESC

You could actually do this with two clauses:

ORDER BY greatest(ev.StartDate, CURDATE()) DESC,
         least(ev.StartDate, CURDATE()) ASC

But I think the first version is clearer in its intention.

like image 189
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 10:12

Gordon Linoff