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AWS RDS Slow Insert

I have a question regarding the insert of rows in RDS. I am inserting in that example 301119 records in 1 table.

Here my log on those inserts batch :

Amazon : 

2014-09-05 12:12:47,245 - Processing 30119 users 
2014-09-05 12:15:01,508 - 5000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:17:29,672 - 10000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:19:30,499 - 15000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:21:38,866 - 20000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:23:26,659 - 25000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:25:16,727 - 30000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:25:19,376 - 30119 users updated in transaction - DONE 
2014-09-05 12:25:19,379 - Process completed in **752134** ms 

Local : 

2014-09-05 12:33:20,767 - Processing 30119 users 
2014-09-05 12:33:39,692 - 5000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:33:50,949 - 10000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:33:59,476 - 15000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:34:06,962 - 20000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:34:14,874 - 25000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:34:22,945 - 30000 users updated in transaction 
2014-09-05 12:34:23,111 - 30119 users updated in transaction - DONE 
2014-09-05 12:34:23,112 - Process completed in **62345** ms 

The query is a straightforward batch insert in 1 table.

My local is not very fast and those results are quite weird ... it takes 12 times more to run the same inserts in AWS ... So, there is something wrong ... It that a configuration problem or other ?

Some pointers would be very welcome :) :)

Thank you !

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julien Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 18:12


2 Answers

So, I figured it out ! After searching and tweaking the configuration, we were around 300 Inserts per Seconds, we disabled the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit (1 -> 0) and the sync_binlog (1 -> 0), and we went up to 1500-2000 Inserts per Second !! Since we are ok losing the last transaction / commit if the db crash so we went with and it is now blazing fast !!

Hopes it helps some of other people that are having the same issue !

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julien Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 05:01


AWS limits the IOPS and Burst Performance of RDS sometimes.

"Provisioning less than 100 GB of General Purpose (SSD) storage for high throughput workloads could result in higher latencies upon exhaustion of the initial General Purpose (SSD) IO credit balance"

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David Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 04:01
