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Sort objects in an array alphabetically on one property of the array



People also ask

How do you sort an array of objects alphabetically?

Sort Array of Objects Alphabetically Using the if Condition and sort() Function in JavaScript. If we have an array of strings or integers, we can easily sort them using the sort() function in JavaScript. For example, let's sort an array of strings alphabetically using the sort() function.

How do you sort an array of objects in JavaScript based on property value?

Sort an Array of Objects in JavaScript To sort an array of objects, you use the sort() method and provide a comparison function that determines the order of objects.

How do you sort an array of objects based on the key?

const arr1 = ['d','a','b','c'] ; const arr2 = [{a:1},{c:3},{d:4},{b:2}]; We are required to write a JavaScript function that accepts these two arrays. The function should sort the second array according to the elements of the first array.

you would have to do something like this:

objArray.sort(function(a, b) {
    var textA = a.DepartmentName.toUpperCase();
    var textB = b.DepartmentName.toUpperCase();
    return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;

note: changing the case (to upper or lower) ensures a case insensitive sort.

To support unicode:

objArray.sort(function(a, b) {
   return a.DepartmentName.localeCompare(b.DepartmentName);

Shorter code with ES6

objArray.sort((a, b) => a.DepartmentName.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.DepartmentName.toLowerCase()))

objArray.sort((a, b) => a.DepartmentName.localeCompare(b.DepartmentName))

var DepartmentFactory = function(data) {
    this.id = data.Id;
    this.name = data.DepartmentName;
    this.active = data.Active;

// use `new DepartmentFactory` as given below. `new` is imporatant

var objArray = [];
objArray.push(new DepartmentFactory({Id: 1, DepartmentName: 'Marketing', Active: true}));
objArray.push(new DepartmentFactory({Id: 2, DepartmentName: 'Sales', Active: true}));
objArray.push(new DepartmentFactory({Id: 3, DepartmentName: 'Development', Active: true}));
objArray.push(new DepartmentFactory({Id: 4, DepartmentName: 'Accounting', Active: true}));

function sortOn(property){
    return function(a, b){
        if(a[property] < b[property]){
            return -1;
        }else if(a[property] > b[property]){
            return 1;
            return 0;   

//objArray.sort(sortOn("id")); // because `this.id = data.Id;`
objArray.sort(sortOn("name")); // because `this.name = data.DepartmentName;`

demo: http://jsfiddle.net/diode/hdgeH/