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Sonatype nexus admin login



I'm having a problem which I can't solve.

I have bought a cheap vps, with ubuntu 12.10 then installed the tomcat7, maven, and nexus. All of them are the latest. This is a fresh install from everything. I started and deployed the nexus, no errors in catalina, no errors in nexus, and when I tried to login with admin/admin123, I have failed.

I'll show you any of my log file what you need, please help me with this.

EDIT: nexus is 2.2-01

EDIT2: this is a cheap server with 512 ram, running without X

My security-configuration.xml is this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <enabled>true</enabled><!-- was true -->
like image 835
vaso123 Avatar asked Dec 22 '12 20:12


People also ask

How do I find my Nexus administrator password?

Available in Nexus Repository OSS and Nexus Repository Pro The admin user has all privileges and the anonymous user has read-only privileges. The initial password for the admin user can be found in an admin. password file found in the $data-dir directory after starting the server.

What is the default password for Nexus?

The default password for user admin in Nexus is admin123 . The first security measure is to change the default password.

How do I access Nexus UI?

You can sign in with the button on the top right corner of the user interface. Next steps after successfully accessing the user interface are detailed in Using Nexus Repository, Nexus Repository Administration, and setting up whatever Formats you will use.

1 Answers

Do the following:

  1. stop Nexus
  2. change the enabled in the xml to false
  3. restart Nexus
  4. get in without anything as admin that way
  5. reset the admin password
  6. enable the security again in the user interface

Oh and btw. I would suggest to run Nexus from the bundle with Jetty on a VPS and not with the war file in Tomcat so you get more performance out of it.

Update: Security can no longer be disabled in Nexus 2.7 and up. You have to insert an admin user into the xml as documented in this support page.

like image 97
Manfred Moser Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10

Manfred Moser