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SonarQube analysis of scss/sass files?

I have a TeamCity-SonarQube setup. I use TeamCity to execute sonar-runner and push the result to a local SonarQube instance. Its a .NET/C# solution and we are moving towards SASS especially SCSS. My current configuration analyzes .cs, .js, and .css files separately using the sonar.language configuration. Is there any support for scss (sass in general). Its an issue since sonarqube does not ingest xml results from jshint, csshint and other lints. I have a SCSS-LINT setup to lint .scss files in my solution but I cant find a SonarQube plugin for scss or any way to integrate the scss-lint result with SonarQube.

My question: Is there a way to analyzes .scss files and display the results in SonarQube as well as configure quality gates etc on it ?

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delloPiro Avatar asked Jan 21 '15 21:01


1 Answers

Unfortunately, there's currently no plugin that we are aware of and that analyzes SCSS files.

Note: Since SonarQube 4.2, multi-language projects are supported so you can analyze your CS, JS and CSS files all at one. See Analyzing a Multi-Language Project documentation.

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Fabrice - SonarSource Team Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10

Fabrice - SonarSource Team