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SonarQube 6.1: How can I see the changes over time without the dashboards?

SonarQube used to have dashboards which were quite convenient to display how metrics changed over time. There was even a dashboard called "Time Machine".

How can I see this sort of information in SonarQube 6.1? I appreciate the new focus on the "leak period" but this is not everything I care about.

like image 967
Stefan Egli Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 13:10

Stefan Egli

1 Answers

Go to the project's Measures space and drill in on the metric of interest. You should find a history graph there.

UPDATE These history graphs moved into the Activity page in 6.3

like image 158
G. Ann - SonarSource Team Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

G. Ann - SonarSource Team