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Some questions about monads in Haskell




I'm learning about monads and have a few questions.

This is where I am right now. Please correct me where I am wrong.

  • The >>= symbol is an infix operator. Infix operators are functions that take two arguments (left-hand side and right-hand side) and return a value.

  • The >>= symbol is called the bind operator and has signature Monad m => m t -> (t -> m u) -> m u. However, the types don't seem to line up here. We get a value of type m t and the second argument is a function that takes a t. (I don't see how to connect the dots.)

  • This must mean that the bind function is somehow able to remove the m from the m t in order to get the t and pass it to the function.

Here are my questions:

  • Is the ability to remove the m from m t something that is only possible inside such a bind operator. Does this bind operator have some special priviliges or something?

  • What does it have to do with state changes? I understand (I think) that the goal of monads is to 'wrap' side-effects so that they are isolated from the rest of the program. But what is the role of the bind operator in this?

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StackedCrooked Avatar asked Oct 25 '09 16:10


1 Answers

is the ability to remove the 'M' from 'M t' something that is only possible inside such a bind operator.

Well, it is certainly possible inside the bind operator, as its type specifies:

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

The 'run' function for your monad can usually do this as well (to return a pure value from your computation).

the goal of monads is to 'wrap' side-effects so that they are isolated from the rest of the program

Hmm. No, monads let us model notions of computation. Side-effecting computations are just one such notion, as is state, backtracking, continuations, concurrency, transactions, optional results, random results, revertable state, non-determinism ... all of which can be described as a monad

The IO monad is what you're referring to, I assume. It is a slightly odd monad -- it generates sequences of abstract changes to the world's state, which are then evaluated by the runtime. Bind just lets us sequence things in the right order in the IO monad -- and the compiler will then translate all these sequenced world-modifying actions into imperative code that changes that state of the machine.

That's very specific to the IO monad though, not monads in general.

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Don Stewart Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Don Stewart