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Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace error in Eclipse



People also ask

How do I import the same project twice in Eclipse?

Instead of importing the project, begin creating a new project with a different name. Then change the location of the project to your new existing project. Eclipse will then let you create the project using the existing directory and content. In my opinion this is the only answer that directly addresses the question.

Uncheck the "copy projects into workspace" checkbox, and then click "refresh" button, you will be able to import the project

go to .project file in your project and change the name of the project in name tag

It has just happened to me too. Finally I realized that the project was already open in my workspace but it was not visible because of the selected working set. You have just to deselect the active working set and all opened projects will become visible.

This usually happens when you change the project directory physically without first delete in Eclipse. You can view and delete these hidden projects in the following view:

Window -> Show View -> Other -> General -> Navigator

Then simply just continue with the process of import existing project.