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Some Basic Python Questions

I'm a total python noob so please bear with me. I want to have python scan a page of html and replace instances of Microsoft Word entities with something UTF-8 compatible.

My question is, how do you do that in Python (I've Googled this but haven't found a clear answer so far)? I want to dip my toe in the Python waters so I figure something simple like this is a good place to start. It seems that I would need to:

  1. load text pasted from MS Word into a variable
  2. run some sort of replace function on the contents
  3. output it

In PHP I would do it like this:

$test = $_POST['pasted_from_Word']; //for example “Going Mobile”

function defangWord($string) 
    $search = array(
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x98)),
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x99)),
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x9c)), 
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x9d)), 
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x93)),
        (chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x94)), 

    $replace = array(

    return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); 

echo defangWord($test); 

How would you do it in Python?

EDIT: Hmmm, ok ignore my confusion about UTF-8 and entities for the moment. The input contains text pasted from MS Word. Things like curly quotes are showing up as odd symbols. Various PHP functions I used to try and fix it were not giving me the results I wanted. By viewing those odd symbols in a hex editor I saw that they corresponded to the symbols I used above (0xe2, 0x80 etc.). So I simply swapped out the oddball characters with HTML entities. So if the bit I have above already IS UTF-8, what is being pasted in from MS Word that is causing the odd symbols?

EDIT2: So I set out to learn a bit about Python and found I don't really understand encoding. The problem I was trying to solve can be handled simply by having sonsistent encoding from end to end. If the input form is UTF-8, the database that stores the input is UTF-8 and the page that outputs it is UTF-8... pasting from Word works fine. No special functions needed. Now, about learning a little Python...

like image 923
rg88 Avatar asked Apr 16 '09 01:04


2 Answers

First of all, those aren't Microsoft Word entities—they are UTF-8. You're converting them to HTML entities.

The Pythonic way to write something like:

chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x98)

would be:


But Python already has built-in functionality for the type of conversion you want to do:

def defang(string):
    return string.decode('utf-8').encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

This will replace the UTF-8 codes in a string for characters like with numeric entities like “.

If you want to replace those numeric entities with named ones where possible:

import re
from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name

def convert_match_to_named(match):
    num = int(match.group(1))
    if num in codepoint2name:
        return "&%s;" % codepoint2name[num]
        return match.group(0)

def defang_named(string):
    return re.sub('&#(\d+);', convert_match_to_named, defang(string))

And use it like so:

>>> defang_named('\xe2\x80\x9cHello, world!\xe2\x80\x9d')
'“Hello, world!”'

To complete the answer, the equivalent code to your example to process a file would look something like this:

# in Python, it's common to operate a line at a time on a file instead of
# reading the entire thing into memory

my_file = open("test100.html")
for line in my_file:
    print defang_named(line)

Note that this answer is targeted at Python 2.5; the Unicode situation is dramatically different for Python 3+.

I also agree with bobince's comment below: if you can just keep the text in UTF-8 format and send it with the correct content-type and charset, do that; if you need it to be in ASCII, then stick with the numeric entities—there's really no need to use the named ones.

like image 86
Miles Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10


The Python code has the same outline.

Just replace all of the PHP-isms with Python-isms.

Start by creating a File object. The result of a file.read() is a string object. Strings have a "replace" operation.

like image 43
S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
