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Where to find .htaccess file in my Xampp localhost

I have a simple problem here. I'm a beginner in using php and apache. Actually I want to modify some config in my .htaccess but i cant find in. Can anyone tell me where is it located. TIA.

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user3213861 Avatar asked Jan 27 '14 03:01


2 Answers

.htaccess sets directory specific settings and it can go in each web directory as needed to change settings.

Some server packages will include a blank/basic one in the root www dir.

If XAMPP doesn't include one, just create a text file and name it .htaccess and edit it however you need.

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Nick Dickinson-Wilde Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 01:11

Nick Dickinson-Wilde

.htaccess includes in your project like if you're working on wordpress and whatever you named the folder, just enter that folder and search it you may find it.

here you may see

screenshot of directory structure

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Sakil Mahmud Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11

Sakil Mahmud