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Solving a puzzle using search algorithms

I came across a puzzle a few days ago. It's solvable easily by hand. But I was trying to build an algorithm for solving it. But i dont know how I should proceed. picture 1

Here you can see that i have to connect all pairs of colored dots. For example i need to connect yellow dot to another yellow dot, green to other green, blue to blue and so on.

Here is an example of how it should be solved. if the description was not clear. enter image description here

So you can see that i connected yellow dot with another yellow dot. And blue with another blue. But this causes a problem. I've blocked the path of aqua color as you can see. I hope you get the idea.

So i want to solve it. Brute force approach would work but it will take a long time and i'm not interested in that. I tried about implementing Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, and Dijkstra algorithm. But i think they won't be good in this case. Correct me please if I'm wrong. A* Search may work, but what will be the heuristic?

Can anyone give me some intuition on how to solve the problem?

like image 968
Shubhashis Avatar asked Sep 08 '15 14:09


People also ask

How A * algorithm is used to solve 8-puzzle problem?

The puzzle is divided into sqrt(N+1) rows and sqrt(N+1) columns. Eg. 15-Puzzle will have 4 rows and 4 columns and an 8-Puzzle will have 3 rows and 3 columns. The puzzle consists of N tiles and one empty space where the tiles can be moved.

How do you solve the 8th puzzle with best first search?

Best-first search. First, insert the initial state (the initial board, 0 moves, and a null previous state) into a priority queue. Then, delete from the priority queue the state with the minimum priority, and insert onto the priority queue all neighboring states (those that can be reached in one move).

How do you solve the 8-puzzle problem with heuristics?

h4 = 5 (out of row) + 8 (out of column) = 13. optimal solution to this problem as a heuristic for the 8-puzzle. Represent the 'space' as a tile and assume you can swap any two tiles. Use the cost of the optimal solution to this problem as a heuristic for the 8-puzzle.

Which one of the following will be the best algorithm for solving 8-puzzle problem?

IDDFS will do the trick, considering the relatively limited search space of this puzzle. It would be efficient hence respond to the OP's question.

1 Answers

I genetic algorithm might be an appropriate means to get a solution. The fitness function and the cross-over would have to be tailored specifically for the problem.


  • 9x9 2d array of ints (genes)
  • Your 18 unique colored peices will be statically set as 512|1, 512|2, 512|4, 512|8, 512|16, 512|32, 512|64, 512|128, 512|256 representing the 9 unique colors; 512 (2^9) will be the flag denoting them as static/unchangable genes.
  • Colored connecting squares will have 2^0-2^8 values, these genes can change and be composed, a value of 3 (011b) would mean 2 colors (1 and 2) are sharing the same square.

Fitness function off the top of my head

  • Spaces with 1 unique color are +8, 2 colors +6, 3 colors +4, 4 colors +2, 5 colors +0, 6 colors -2, 7 colors -4, 8 colors -6, all 9 colors -8
  • Spaces connected (left,right,up,down) with a matching colored static space are +9
  • Spaces connected with a matching colored space in 1 direction +4, 2 directions +3, 3 directions +2, 4 directions +1


  • Logical XOR a random color bit (1 << Floor(Random() * 9)) with a random non-static gene

Cross-Over / Breeding Off the top of my head

  • Copy your 2 candidate chromosomes
  • Clear out genes within the copies that contain 5 or more overlapping colors
  • Logical OR the two chromosomes together to get your result
like image 65
Louis Ricci Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Louis Ricci