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Are there any "special" image compression algorithms for face cases?

Are there any "special" image compression algorithms for face cases? So i'm creating a conference programm I want to transfer images (or videos) of talking heads through the internet. Are there any special algorithms to compress images/videos of talking heads so to make them smaller (like special voice compression algorithms)?

like image 951
Rella Avatar asked Mar 06 '10 11:03


1 Answers

Really not my field, but I know that a couple of researchers from my university work on a compression algorithm that shows impressive results on limited domains (such as faces). They have published a few articles explaining the algorithms, as well as released a Matlab plugin for it.

The algorithm is called K-SVD, and you can read more about it in the basic article. There are many follow-up articles published as well.

For the implementation, check out:

  • Prof. Elad's Software page
  • Prof. Rubinstein Software Page
like image 112
Oak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
