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Solution for using iTerm2 'shell integration' and screen (over ssh)




So when i ssh into a remote server i use 'screen -R myscreen' to prevent any running scripts/processes from being interrupted when the ssh connection disconnects, for whatever reason (bad wifi, etc).

However, when starting screen, iTerm2's shell integration doesn't work anymore.

Is there any workaround for this?

like image 459
Motsel Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 18:11


1 Answers

fyi the solution i found is:

instead of 'screen' use 'tmux', by executing tmux -CC to open a tmux session (and using tmux -CC attach to re-attach after a disconnection.) This is also described here.

To make iTerm2 shell integration work in tmux, modify ~/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash and remove this part of the first line: "$TERM" != screen

So this

if [[ "$TERM" != screen && "$ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED" = "" && "$-" == *i* ]]; then


if [[ "$ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED" = "" && "$-" == *i* ]]; then

like image 93
Motsel Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
