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Solr: how to delete a collection?



I am using solr 4.9, not adding any additional shard, just use whatever default it comes with it. I have created a collection and tried to delete it by using the following api :


but it returns error :

Solr instance is not running in SolrCloud mode

My Solr is not solrCloud, but how do I delete my collection?

like image 311
Tara Avatar asked Jul 31 '14 14:07


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A collection is a single logical index that uses a single Solr configuration file ( solrconfig. xml ) and a single index schema.

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Standard Aliases Alternatively this information is available by checking /aliases. json in ZooKeeper with either the native ZooKeeper client or in the tree page of the cloud menu in the admin UI. Aliases may be deleted via the DELETEALIAS command. When deleting an alias, underlying collections are unaffected.

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Configsets are a set of configuration files used in a Solr installation: solrconfig. xml , the schema, and then resources like language files, synonyms. txt , DIH-related configuration, and others that are referenced from the config or schema.

1 Answers

Go to the solr folder and Do this..

bin/solr delete -c collection_name 

and restart solr with

bin/solr restart 
like image 176
Gunjan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
