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Socket.IO Client Library in Python [closed]

Can anyone recommend a Socket.IO client library for Python? I've had a look around, but the only ones I can find are either server implementations, or depend on a framework such as Twisted.

I need a client library that has no dependencies on other frameworks.

Simply using one of the many connection types isn't sufficient, as the python client will need to work with multiple socketio servers, many of which won't support websockets, for example.

like image 796
Ada Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 17:01


People also ask

Can I use Socket.IO in Python?

This projects implements Socket.IO clients and servers that can run standalone or integrated with a variety of Python web frameworks.

How do you check if socket IO client is connected or not?

You can check the socket. connected property: var socket = io. connect(); console.

Does Socket.IO have a timeout?

So, you can configure both the server and client side timeout settings by setting the following timeout properties on the engine.io component inside of socket.io.

1 Answers

Archie1986's answer was good but has become outdated with socketio updates (more specifically, its protocol : https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec)... as far as i can tell, you need to perform the handshake manually before you can ask for a transport (e.g., websockets) connection... note that the code below is incomplete and insecure... for one, it ignores the list of supported transports returned in the handshake response and always tries to get a websocket... also it assumes that the handshake always succeeds... nevertheless, it's a good place to start

import websocket, httplib  ...  '''     connect to the socketio server      1. perform the HTTP handshake     2. open a websocket connection ''' def connect(self) :     conn  = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost:8124')     conn.request('POST','/socket.io/1/')     resp  = conn.getresponse()      hskey = resp.read().split(':')[0]      self._ws = websocket.WebSocket(                     'ws://localhost:8124/socket.io/1/websocket/'+hskey,                     onopen   = self._onopen,                     onmessage = self._onmessage)  .... 

you might also want to read up on python-websockets: https://github.com/mtah/python-websocket

like image 177
rmanna Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
