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Smoothing path of a robot




I'm calculating shortest path of a robot on a plane with polygonal obstacles. Everything works well and fast, no problems there. But, how to smoothen the path so it becomes curvy ? Below is a picture of a path connecting vertices with a straight line. P.S Robot is just a circle.


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nullpotent Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 18:04


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1 Answers

This paper might be useful. It looks like it's a non-trivial problem. Abstract:

Automatic graph drawers need to compute paths among ver- tices of a simple polygon which besides remaining in the interior need to exhibit certain aesthetic properties. Some of these require the incorpo- ration of some information about the polygonal shape without being too far from the actual shortest path. We present an algorithm to compute a locally convex region that “contains” the shortest Euclidean path among two vertices of a simple polygon. The region has a boundary shape that “follows” the shortest path shape. A cubic Bezier spline in the region in- terior provides a “short and smooth” collision free curve between the two given vertices. The obtained results appear to be aesthetically pleasant and the methods used may be of independent interest. They are elemen- tary and implementable. Figure 7 is a sample output produced by our current implementation.

like image 132
I82Much Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
