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Smooth scroll to div id jQuery

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How do you navigate to another page with a smooth scroll on a specific ID?

Modern Browsers detect the hash in the url and then automatically open that part. So, if you want to scroll smoothly to that part instead, you first need to reset the scroll position to 0 and then add smooth scrolling. // direct browser to top right away if (window. location.

How do I scroll to a specific div?

The scrollTo method: The scrollTo() is used to scroll to the specified element in the browser. Syntax: Here, x-cord specifies the x-coordinate and y-cord specifies the y-coordinate. Example: Using scrollTo() to scroll to an element.

You need to animate the html, body

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/kevinPHPkevin/8tLdq/1/

$("#button").click(function() {
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $("#myDiv").offset().top
    }, 2000);

If you want to override standard href-id navigation on the page without changing the HTML markup for smooth scrolling, use this (example):

// handle links with @href started with '#' only
$(document).on('click', 'a[href^="#"]', function(e) {
    // target element id
    var id = $(this).attr('href');

    // target element
    var $id = $(id);
    if ($id.length === 0) {

    // prevent standard hash navigation (avoid blinking in IE)

    // top position relative to the document
    var pos = $id.offset().top;

    // animated top scrolling
    $('body, html').animate({scrollTop: pos});

here is my 2 cents:


$('.scroll').click(function() {
        scrollTop: eval($('#' + $(this).attr('target')).offset().top - 70)
    }, 1000);


<a class="scroll" target="contact">Contact</a>

and the target:

<h2 id="contact">Contact</h2>

Plain JS:

Can be done in plain JS if you use modern browsers.

    .scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });

Browser support is a bit issue, but modern browsers support it.