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"Submit is not a function" error in JavaScript

People also ask

Why submit is not a function?

The "submit is not a function" error occurs when the id or name attribute of an input submit element is set to "submit" . To solve the error, remove or rename the id or name attribute on the input element.

How do you solve the is not a function error in JavaScript?

The TypeError: "x" is not a function can be fixed using the following suggestions: Paying attention to detail in code and minimizing typos. Importing the correct and relevant script libraries used in code. Making sure the called property of an object is actually a function.

What does JavaScript submit () do?

submit() allows to initiate form sending from JavaScript. We can use it to dynamically create and send our own forms to server.

How do you submit in JavaScript?

In the body tag, created an HTML form and specify the id, method, and action of the form. In the form, specify an anchor tag with an event onclick. Create a function for JavaScript that will get executed when the link is clicked. When we click on the link, the function submitForm() will get executed.

submit is not a function

means that you named your submit button or some other element submit. Rename the button to btnSubmit and your call will magically work.

When you name the button submit, you override the submit() function on the form.

<form action="product.php" method="post" name="frmProduct" id="frmProduct" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input id="submit_value" type="button" name="submit_value" value="">


<script type="text/javascript">

document.getElementById("submit_value").onclick = submitAction;

function submitAction()
    return false;

EDIT: I accidentally swapped the id's around

If you have no opportunity to change name="submit" you can also submit form this way:

function submitForm(form) {
    const submitFormFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(form).submit;

Make sure that there is no another form with the same name and make sure that there is no name="submit" or id="submit" in the form.

I had the same issue when i was creating a MVC application using with master pages. Tried looking for element with 'submit' as names as mentioned above but it wasn't the case.

For my case it created multiple tags on my page so there were some issues referencing the correct form.

To work around this i'll let the button handle which form object to use:

onclick="return SubmitForm(this.form)"

and with the js:

function SubmitForm(frm) {

This topic has a lot of answers already, but the one that worked best (and simplest - one line!) for me was a modification of the comment made by Neil E. Pearson from Apr 21 2013:

If you're stuck with your submit button being #submit, you can get around it by stealing another form instance's submit() method.

My modification to his method, and what worked for me:


Sorry to answer late but for those who are still facing the same error. To get rid of this error:

<form method="POST">
  <input type="text"/>
  <input type="submit" id="submit-form" value="Submit Form" style="display: none;"/>

<!-- Other element that will submit the form -->
<button onclick="submitTheForm()">Submit the form</button>

function submitTheForm(){


The javascript function submitTheForm() is accessing the submit input element and calling the click event on it which results in the form submission.

This solution is lifetime and almost 100% compatible in all browsers.