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SMO: restoring to a different DB, why db is null?





This is my problem, I have a restore function in C# guided by this answers:

SMO: restoring to a different DB

But when the program tries to execute this code db.SetOnline(); it throws an exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. The problem is ... db object is null. But why is the db object NULL?

This is my function:

public void restaurarBackup(string baseDatosDestino, string rutaBackUp, Server srvr)
        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(DBpath))
            // Si el usuario ha elegido el archivo desde el que quiere que la base de datos para ser restaurado
            // Crear una nueva base de datos de la operación de restauración
            Restore rstDatabase = new Restore();

            // Set the backup device from which we want to restore, to a file
            BackupDeviceItem bkpDevice = new BackupDeviceItem(DBpath + rutaBackUp, DeviceType.File);

            // Add the backup device to the restore type

            // Set the database that we want to perform the restore on
            rstDatabase.Database = baseDatosDestino;

            DataTable dtFileList = rstDatabase.ReadFileList(srvr);
            string mdf_logicalFileName = dtFileList.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            string mdf_PhysicalFileName = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}.mdf", srvr.Information.MasterDBPath, baseDatosDestino);
            string ldf_logicalFileName = dtFileList.Rows[1][0].ToString();
            string ldf_PhysicalFileName = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}_log.ldf", srvr.Information.MasterDBPath, baseDatosDestino);

            rstDatabase.RelocateFiles.Add(new RelocateFile(mdf_logicalFileName, mdf_PhysicalFileName));
            rstDatabase.RelocateFiles.Add(new RelocateFile(ldf_logicalFileName, ldf_PhysicalFileName));

            Database db = srvr.Databases[rstDatabase.Database];

            if (db != null)
                db.DatabaseOptions.UserAccess = DatabaseUserAccess.Single;
                srvr.DetachDatabase(rstDatabase.Database, false);

            // Set the restore type to a database restore
            rstDatabase.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;

            // If the database already exists, replace it
            rstDatabase.ReplaceDatabase = true;
            rstDatabase.NoRecovery = false;

            // Perform the restore
            db = srvr.Databases[baseDatosDestino];
            db.SetOnline(); // In this line the db object is null, why?
            db.DatabaseOptions.UserAccess = DatabaseUserAccess.Multiple;
            _infoError = "Verifique la existencia de la ruta de donde se va a restaurar el Backup!";
    catch (Exception e)
        ManejoExcepcion.RegistrarExcepcion(e, out _infoError);
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Néstor Fabián Peña Estrella Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 16:08

Néstor Fabián Peña Estrella

1 Answers

I think that process of DB resore is async. So if you try to get DB right after restore, db can be in middle retoring state and not available through SMO. So you should try to wait/pull while db will be created/resotred in sql server and will available through SMO. For example you can add folowing code instead of db = srvr.Databases[baseDatosDestino]:

while( ( db = srvr.Databases[baseDatosDestino] ) == null ) 
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fastobject Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
