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Slurm: What is the difference for code executing under salloc vs srun

I'm using a cluster managed by slurm to run some yarn/hadoop benchmarks. To do this I am starting the hadoop servers on nodes allocated by slurm and then running the benchmarks on them. I realize that this is not the intended way to run a production hadoop cluster, but needs must.

To do this I started by writing a script that runs with srun eg srun -N 4 setup.sh. This script writes the configuration files and starts the servers on the allocated nodes, with the lowest numbered machine acting as the master. This all works, and I am able to run applications.

However, as I would like to start the servers once and then launch multiple applications on them without restarting/encoding everything in at the begining I would like to use salloc instead. I had thought that this would be a simple case of running salloc -N 4 and then running srun setup.sh. Unfortunately this does not work as the different servers are unable to communicate with each other. Could any one explain to me what the difference in the operating environment is between using srun and using salloc then srun?

Many thanks


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Daniel Goodman Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 16:03

Daniel Goodman

People also ask

What is the difference between Sbatch and Srun?

The main difference is that srun is interactive and blocking (you get the result in your terminal and you cannot write other commands until it is finished), while sbatch is batch processing and non-blocking (results are written to a file and you can submit other commands right away).

What does SRUN hostname do?

srun is the command used to run a process on the compute nodes in the cluster. It works by passing it a command (this could be a script) which will be run on a compute node and then srun will return. srun accepts many command line options to specify the resources required by the command passed to it.

How do you use SRUN in Slurm?

After typing your srun command and options on the command line and pressing enter, Slurm will find and then allocate the resources you specified. Depending on what you specified, it can take a few minutes for Slurm to allocate those resources. You can view all of the srun options on the Slurm documentation website.

How do you use Slurm Salloc?

salloc is used to allocate a Slurm job allocation, which is a set of resources (nodes), possibly with some set of constraints (e.g. number of processors per node). When salloc successfully obtains the requested allocation, it then runs the command specified by the user.

1 Answers

From the slurm-users mailing list:

sbatch and salloc allocate resources to the job, while srun launches parallel tasks across those resources. When invoked within a job allocation, srun will launch parallel tasks across some or all of the allocated resources. In that case, srun inherits by default the pertinent options of the sbatch or salloc which it runs under. You can then (usually) provide srun different options which will override what it receives by default. Each invocation of srun within a job is known as a job step.

srun can also be invoked outside of a job allocation. In that case, srun requests resources, and when those resources are granted, launches tasks across those resources as a single job and job step.

like image 167
Prashant Singh Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Prashant Singh